Monday, May 10, 2010

Training: Day 3

I am beginning the feel stronger and stronger with each training session. I did my 3rd training session on Saturday, and I kicked ass! I had so much energy, I actually ran for an additional 10 minutes. I am no longer sore, whatsoever, and I am beginning to crave the workouts. I seem to be constantly thinking about them, but not in an obsessive way. I am noticing that my legs are getting stronger and my stamina is getting better.

This week the plan calls for running 1.5 minutes and walking 1 minute. I know I can do it! So far it's been easy to keep up with the time and not feel like I'm going to die, but to be honest, I am nervous about the ongoing progression of this plan. I just have to believe that if I put my mind to it, I can do it.

I've been wearing my pedometer everyday (except for today, because I forgot it at home! very aggravating). I've met my goal of 10,000 steps on the weekends, but the weekdays have been really challenging. I sit at a desk all day at work, so I don't get a lot of movement during the day. On average, I've been getting in about 5,000 steps on weekdays. I plan on improving this by taking walks in the morning before I go to work, and taking walks on my lunch break as well. Now, if I could get my lazy butt out of bed early enough to do this, that would be great!! If you know me well, you know I HATE mornings, and you really cannot get me out of bed before 7. In order to do my walks, I need to be out the door at 6am! If anyone has any suggestions on how to get your lazy ass out of bed, I'd love to hear them!

I am so excited to move onto the next level of training and apply my walking plan! Here's to another week!

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